Register and Unregister Methods

/* pre-defined method callback to register a server in the Device Registry */
UA_StatusCode register_method_callback(UA_Server *server,
                                              const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionHandle,
                                              const UA_NodeId *methodId, void *methodContext,
                                              const UA_NodeId *objectId, void *objectContext,
                                              size_t inputSize, const UA_Variant *input,
                                              size_t outputSize, UA_Variant *output);

/* pre-defined method callback to unregister a server from the Device Registry */
UA_StatusCode unregister_method_callback(UA_Server *server,
                                         const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionHandle,
                                         const UA_NodeId *methodId, void *methodContext,
                                         const UA_NodeId *objectId, void *objectContext,
                                         size_t inputSize, const UA_Variant *input,
                                         size_t outputSize, UA_Variant *output);

/* Link the register and unregister method callbacks to the corresponding methods
 * Arguments:
 * UA_Server *server: server instance
 * UA_NodeId *register_function_nodeId: Pointer to a NodeId which will return thr NodeId of the register method
 * UA_NodeId *unregister_function_nodeId: Pointer to a NodeId which will return thr NodeId of the unregister method
UA_StatusCode add_register_methods(UA_Server *server,
                                   UA_NodeId *register_function_nodeId,
                                   UA_NodeId *unregister_function_nodeId);

/* searches a Method Node based on its BrowseName.Name. As the ModuleType only features HasComponent, Organizes and HasProperty references
 * the browsing for nodes will only respect these references
 * Arguments:
 * UA_Server *server: server instance
 * char *methodname: BrowseName.Name of the method
 * UA_NodeId *service_method_nodeId: Pointer to a NodeId which will return thr NodeId of the requested method
UA_StatusCode find_method(UA_Server *server,
                          char *methodname,
                          UA_NodeId *service_method_nodeId);

/* Links a method callback to the service method of a server
 * Arguments:
 * UA_Server *server: server instance
 * UA_service_server_interpreter *service_server: server configuration, including the BrowseName of the service node
 * UA_MethodCallback callback: callback to be linked to the service method
UA_StatusCode add_method_callback(UA_Server *server, UA_service_server_interpreter *service_server, UA_MethodCallback callback);