
Instantiates the SubType of the ModuleType as configured in the JSON file. All functionalities, such as the Register and Unregister Methods, the Queue Handler and the ServiceMethod callback are created in accordance, so that an automated configuration of the server for the SWAP-IT software is accomplished. Important Note: The open62541 server template includes the Common Information Model, however if additional custom information models are required, the must be loaded into the server before invoking the UA_server_swap_it function.

 * Method Arguments:
 * UA_Server *server:                           the server instance
 * UA_ByteString json                           json configuration of the server
 * UA_MethodCallback callback:                  callback of for the service method
 * UA_Boolean default_behavior:                 boolean that determines whether a default information
 *                                              model will be instantiated based on the json configuration
 * UA_Boolean *running:                         running variable from the server's main function
 * UA_Boolean register_agent_in_registry:       Boolean that determines whether the Asset should register itself in a device registry
 * UA_service_server_interpreter *swap_server   Empty structure that stores the interpreted json configuration. The stucture is filled
 *                                              when interpreting the json config within the function and can then be used for the function
 *                                              clear_swap_server
 * */

UA_StatusCode UA_server_swap_it(UA_Server *server,
                            UA_ByteString json,
                            UA_MethodCallback callback,
                            UA_Boolean default_behavior,
                            UA_Boolean *running,
                            UA_Boolean register_agent_in_registry,
                            UA_service_server_interpreter *swap_server);


Function that clears the swap server and in addition, can be used to unregister the server from a device registry

 * UA_service_server_interpreter *server_info       Filled structure from the function UA_server_swap_it
 * UA_Boolean unregister                            Boolean value that determines whether the server should
 *                                                  unregister itself from the device registry
 * UA_Server *server                                the server instance

void clear_swap_server(UA_service_server_interpreter *server_info,
                       UA_Boolean unregister,
                       UA_Server *server);