FROST-Server Documentation

Live documentation for the development version.

Performance tips for PostgreSQL and PostGIS

If your database grows large, you will probably notice that things start to become slower. This page has some general hints on how to make your database faster.

Finding problem queries

The start of making thing faster is figuring out exactly what is slow. To help with that, FROST has the option to generate a log of all queries that take too much time to execute:

Any database query that takes more than the set amount of time will be written to the logs. Take one such a query, add explain analyze in front of it, and execute it on your database.

A tutorial on how to read explain analyze output can be found on

Adding Indices

Indexing timestamps

By default, only primary and foreign keys have indices on them. A very common index is for Datastreams(x)/observations?$orderby=phenomenonTime asc:

create index "OBS-DS_ID-PHTIME_SE-O_ID"
  using btree
  where ("DATASTREAM_ID" is not null);

Spatial indices

You can also add indices to geometry columns using the PostGIS GIST(column) function. See Spatial Indexing in the PostGIS manual.

For the Locations table:

create index "LOCATIONS_GEOM"
  using gist ("GEOM");

For the FeaturesOfInterest table:

create index "FEATURES_GEOM"
  using gist ("GEOM");

Indexing JSON fields

Indices can be added to fields within jsonb-type columns to speed up queries like Observations?$filter=parameters/secondary_id eq 123:

  using btree (("PARAMETERS" #> '{ secondary_id }') asc);

Regenerating generated properties

If you ever need to re-generate the phenomenonTime properties of Datastreams, you can use the SQL query:

update "DATASTREAMS" d
        (select min("PHENOMENON_TIME_START")
          from "OBSERVATIONS" o
          where o."DATASTREAM_ID" = d."ID"
          group by o."DATASTREAM_ID"),
        (select max("PHENOMENON_TIME_END")
          from "OBSERVATIONS" o
          where o."DATASTREAM_ID" = d."ID"
          group by o."DATASTREAM_ID")

If you ever need to re-generate the ObservedArea properties of Datastreams, you can use the SQL query:

update "DATASTREAMS" d
      (select ST_ConvexHull(ST_Collect("GEOM"))
      from "FEATURES" f
      left join "OBSERVATIONS" o on o."FEATURE_ID" = f."ID"
      where o."DATASTREAM_ID" = d."ID"
      group by o."DATASTREAM_ID")